Monday, April 21, 2008

weekend of new things

starting from top left and reading like a book:

Sara, Nana and Læsse at the 100 year anniversary of women's suffrage street party / Kastrup Søbad by White Architects/ I got a tiny sunburn because it has been so gorgeous. / The Amager neighborhood Center by Dorte Mandrup / two darling ladies at the 100 year anniversary. Love the colors / Amagerstrand beach promenade/park by Hasløv & Kjærsgaard / this is how i am wearing my scarves right now / Ja! Confetti / even grandmas wear snazzy sneakers, here. you can't see these, but she has got new old school adidas kicks. yea!


Anonymous said...

Very Clever... Susie P. ... very clever.

100 year anniversary woman's suffrage street party?! Damn-it, we have to wait until 2011 in Oregon until we can have one of those! Until August 2020 to celebrate the 19th Amendment!

BTW. You look gorgeous with your tiny sunburn from it being gorgeous.

;)Jim L.

jenetic said...

SPANSK! (that is what my Danish friend's Spanish/Danish dictionary read when we were in Spanish school. It became a catchphrase of sorts. Girl, I'm loving wandering the streets of Copenhagen through your guidance. Lots of weiner breaks, bike rides and interesting corners of the city. I love more than anything the video messages by bike...the wind in your hair and the city swirling by!
We miss you here in Seattle and continue to wait for spring...cold, rain, some sun, rinse and repeat! Love j