Thursday, April 17, 2008

For Mom (WMW)

Mom, as promised, here are some pictures of where I live. And as alway, I can't resist an opportunity for a little bit of narration. And, to everyone else: I know I said this blog would also be about research and stuff, but that is just not working out. I write about green factor all day and read and slave and so forth and honestly, I am not going to report a whole lot about it in the blog. For my scholarship, I will be submitting research progress reports on an internal blog. If, for some reason, you would like to read those, too, I would be happy to share them. Otherwise, you can read my thesis when it is done in June/July upon my return. I will probably also post a copy on the web somewhere.

1 comment:

rt said...

i rekanize that this is an older post but DAMN- nice montage! reminds me of the resort post cards i see at the flea market."Skål!" -rt